

Branding, PowerPoint, Visual Design


Working with San Francisco agency Doremus, PERSONE helped with the initial logo and branding design process along with providing support for a marketing and presentation template produced and implemented for PowerPoint.


We assisted with the logo design, helping to format various branding samples with the new logo options to help pre-visualize what the brand might look like across several media prior to even selecting the logo. This process helped the client select a multi-colored logo application, which we then proceeded with for the presentation.

We did some additional 3d renderings to visualize what the logo might look like on walls and buildings of the DSBJ facilities too.


Our work helped the agency help it's client and ultimately delivered a successful logo project which has been rolled out in full by the company. The logo, color palette and branding application is a massive leap forward from their previous branding and really represents them as the technology savvy, modern manufacturing giant that they truly are.

DSBJ - Branding & PowerPoint

We provided DSBJ with a series of design updates for their logo, branding in various applications as well as detailed PowerPoint template setup for marketing presentations.

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